We have proposed algorithms for lock-free lifo and fifo queue management. This technical report proposes an improved version of the lock-free fifo management algorithm previously defined.
@techreport{ Fober:01d ,
title = {Optimised Lock-Free FIFO Queue},
author = {Dominique Fober and Yann Orlarey and Stephane Letz},
editor = {Grame},
url = {LockFree.pdf},
year = {2001},
date = {2001-01-01},
booktitle = {Technical Report – 01-01-01},
abstract = {Concurrent access to shared data in preemptive multi-tasks environment and in multi-processors architecture have been subject to many works. Based on these works, we present a new algorithm to implements lock-free fifo stacks with a minimum constraints on the data structure. Compared to the previous solutions, this algorithm is more simple and more efficient. We’ll present its implementation and it’s performances.},
keywords = {concurrency, fifo, lifo, lock-free},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {techreport}
Concurrent access to shared data in preemptive multi-tasks environment and in multi-processors architecture have been subject to many works. Based on these works, we present a new algorithm to implements lock-free fifo stacks with a minimum constraints on the data structure. Compared to the previous solutions, this algorithm is more simple and more efficient. We’ll present its implementation and it’s performances.