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Roi, Camille Le; Decron, Colas; Fober, Dominique

Extension de Guido aux notations contemporaines (Inproceeding)

Actes des Journées d’Informatique Musicale, pp. 17-24, Bourges, France, 2014.

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Étiquettes: GUIDO, Music notation, partition musicale)


Daudin,; Fober, Dominique; Letz, Stephane; Orlarey, Yann

The Guido Engine – A toolbox for music scores rendering (Inproceeding)

LAC, (Ed.): Proceedings of Linux Audio Conference 2009, pp. 105-111, 2009.

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Étiquettes: GUIDO, layout, music, notation, score)


Fober, Dominique; Letz, Stephane; Orlarey, Yann

IMUTUS Score Processing Components (Inproceeding)

ICMA, (Ed.): Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference, pp. 427–430, 2005.

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Étiquettes: GUIDO, layout, music, MusicXML, score)


Fober, Dominique; Letz, Stephane; Orlarey, Yann

Open source tools for music representation and notation (Inproceeding)

IRCAM, (Ed.): Proceedings of the first Sound and Music Computing conference – SMC’04, pp. 91–95, 2004.

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Étiquettes: GUIDO, language, music, MusicXML, representation)